Wednesday, July 21, 2010


*Post ini ditujukan kepada perokok-perokok yang TAK FAHAM BAHASA,yang lain tak perlu nak terasa*

Semua orang punya otak,tapi ada sesetengah orang letak otak di lutut barangkali..Sungguh tak faham bahasa agaknya sampai terasa mahu jerit kuat-kuat bagitau
"Woiii gila!! Nak bagi orang lain mati sekali ke hidu kau punya asap rokok tu??!!"

Sesetengah perokok ada sikap tak pentingkan diri sendiri dengan mengambil kira sensitiviti orang-orang sekeliling yang tak merokok..So perokok yang faham bahasa akan merokok jauh dari orang yang tak merokok..At least tanya dulu ke apa kalau nak merokok..Terima kasih kerana berbuat demikian.

Tahukah anda bahawa orang yang tak merokok yang menghidu asap rokok adalah 75% lebih tinggi akan mendapat penyakit merbahaya berbanding perokok itu sendiri..Kalau nak merokok pun tak perlu "offer" rokok tu kat orang lain..Kau "offer" tu rokok,boleh buat orang lain mati,bukan gula-gula yang boleh bagi orang gembira senang hati..Kesan-kesan merokok kekal dalam badan sampai mati,terutamaya kesihatan badan,selain itu memberi kesan juga kepada generasi akan datang yang bakal dilahirkan kelak.

"If you choose to be a smoker, be thoughtful around people who don't. Have some sense of sensitivity" (got this quote from a fren in FB)


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Random Sunday..

1- I'm hungry now..Roti je tak cukup pagi2 mcm ni..

2- I lose my weight recently,1kg gone! Umi ckp,patutnya duduk rumah berat makin naik,tp ni terbalik..Whattodo..haihh..

3- Another 6 weeks before my internship ends.Can it be faster than that?

4- Cousins wedding on this coming Saturday at Mak Teh's house..It's gonna be a gathering with my relatives on umi's side..I love wedding! =)

5- Next week is mid-term breaks for MMU students,nak cuti jugak boleh x???

6- 1st time wearing baju kurung to the office today.

7- When i saw jewelery yesterday,my head was spinning around because of the color of the jewelery i guess..I prefer silver color.

8- Happy birthday to July babies..And today is syira's birthday..

9- I can see the potential of being a workaholic in me,myself.

10- I really really hate the fact that i'm still asking for money from my parents until now when i want to buy something for myself.It's sucks,i felt terrible.

11- Kalau ade org berjanji,lps tu lupa janji die..I wish i can say I HATE U straight on their face.

12- I need a new handbag and a new purse.Bukan kehendak da ni,tapi keperluan.

13- I rarely log in to my Tumblr account recently..Sorry Tumblr,i forgot that u're exist.

14- For the past few days,i slept around 8pm-9pm..Woke up in the middle of the night,and slept again.Gila.

15- Umi melawak suruh kawen tahun depan..Kalau btol2 pun tak nak.

16- Everyone kene ade at least a lil bit sense of fashion.Bila kita keluar,orang tengok,tu la their 1st impression about us.So,jangan selekeh sangat.Kadang2 kene bergaya jugak walaupun sket,xsalah.

17- Xde lagu best lg ke kt ofis ni??Boring betol la pasang lagu org2 tua..Zzzzzzz..

18- Saket belakang,again.. *sigh*

19- Fesbuk bosan.

20- Long distance relationship is kinda sucks when u're only depending on the technology to communicate with each other.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I wish!

This thing looks yummy! Hahaha..Sudah lama memendam hasrat untuk memilikinya,tapiiiiii...Sudah beberapa kali jalan2 dalam random blog lepastu nampak orang tu tayang benda ni,terus jatuh hati xboleh nak angkat balik dah hati tu sebab memang dah jatuh melekat.. =))))

Currently i have this..Film ade lg baki 3 keping kalau xsilap..Film mahal,so berjimat-cermat amalan mulia..Hahaha..

And now,i want this! Google2 lepastu jumpa kt
sini..Fuji Instax 200 or 210..Ada rupenye kt Malaysia ni..Tp mahal la pulak..And orang cakap film besar tu susah nak dapat..Or mmg dah xde jual..Mane yang betol ntah..

Announcement: Masukla contest ini ramai2,sape menang belanja k! Hehehe..Klik sini untuk info selanjutnya..Xwajib ada polaroid camera pun kalau nk join contest ni..Korang just download free polaroid app situ,then upload ur pictures.Seronok goyang2 kan mouse guna app ni,bajet mcm tgh goyang2 kn film polaroid bila lps amek gmbr! =)))


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Woww dah July!

Saket belakang,major hurts,sumpah tak tipu! "-____-

Went to MMU Cyberjaya last thursday-friday,need to settle down a few things there..Finally,lps dpt sign lecturers,ulang-alik exam unit and fcm office 3x (saket kaki weh jln byk sgt),sume da settle..Alhamdulillah.

Thanks a lot to few people yg sudi jmpe and teman saye sepanjang sy merempat di Cyber..Hehehe..

Kamil- U la org 1st i jmpe mase smpai campus time tu..Bangga x??Hehehe..Thanks a lot teman i.. =D

Nad- Thanks weh kasi tumpang tido kt bilik kau,walaupun terpaksa mendaki tangga smpai tingkat 5,aku sanggup..Hehehe..

Syira & Lah- Thanks korang lunch same2..Nti jmpe lg k! =) Syg time tu ecah xde..Huhu..

Mein- Thanks for the souvenir mein,sorry kacau u buat keje haritu..Hahahaa..

Ally n Maher- Thanks dtg lunch haritu,sukaaaaaaaa! Ally,cupcakes kau sedap,tp aku mkn sikit2 sbb mase tu kenyang..Hahaha..Maher,weyy gmbr haritu mane? =D

Ajwad- Org ckp jgn suka sambung2 sgtla,kang ade yg kene pelempang..Hahaha..

Maz- Jmpe skjap je,next time jmpe lg k! Biar complete 5 org mcm selalu.. =)

Mr.Partner- I love u! =)

p/s: Ecahhhh! I miss u! Ingt nk jmpe haritu,tp xsmpat nk pegi kl..huhuu.. =(
