Friday, July 31, 2009

Title suke hati...

Mengntok tp tanak tido..
Xnak tido lagii..

Hmmmm..Tataw la nk ckp ape..Rase mcm,ermmmmmm..Ntah..Ermmmmm..Hampir hampirrrrrrrrr GIVE UP (hampir je,blom lagi)..Ohh i dun really like dis word..Tapii tapiiiiiiiiii,ntah laa...Everything's change now (i thinkkkk la,i think okeyy)...Mungkin ini adalah naluri hati diri sendiri or realiti nya mmg begini..Saye tataw..Saye confuse..Rase mcm nk juz let it go..Part of my heart says yes,and part of it says no..So,ape sy nk buat neh..Xde jawapan yg pasti..Mungkin saye patut tunggu???blah???simpan???buat bodo???tell me tell me...Ally ckp sabar..Yes,i like dat word,thanx my dear..But until when??Yeaa maybe it's too early..It's ok..But but, it's all about me..Hye,I am Alia..I'm not really sure if i can wait any longer..Ok,watevaaa...

(tuka topik xbg salam)
Bodo pnye mimpi ptg smlm..Syok tido ats lantai boley pulak dpt mimpi org yg xmaw ingt call pastu wish hepy anniversary frenship kteorg yg ntah brp lame dh..I dun even noe da actual date kteorg kwn..Ngekk nye mimpi,naseb baik mimpi,kalau betol2 maw tercampak luar tingkap hp tu..Mcm xde mimpi lain..Da xcontact,masuk mimpi org,sebok ah kau..fdjkskjbwgtfbetb..

Saye da start cuti,wuhuuuuuuuuuu (joget2 goyang bontot)..Since klas Islamic Studies pagi neh pukul 8am waktu Malaysia ustaz ckp,bkn waktu US,so sy da xde kelas la..Lps midterm break aa pulak pegi kelas..Hehehe..Balik Trg Sabtu malam..Dtg cyber balik ari Sabtu jugak since Mr.Kok Yoong ckp nk decorate studio DM ari Rabu,it's toooooo early for me to come back to cyber..Cyber bkn ade ape pun,bkn ade buah ati jantung ati pun kt sini,lg saket adela duduk cyber,xbest xbest xbest!!! Postpone ah nk blaja main gitar,sory ah brader..Kekekeeee.. =D

menyemak kt blog kak wani..hihihi..
Okey nk tido,Byebye!

Eh kjap,saye rase skrg ni diri saye mcm lack of self motivation..Seryesly..Sy suke bg nasihat kt org,tp diri sendiri rase mcm looser giler..Xdela nk tunjuk kt org kn,but deep inside my heart,tu la ape yg sy rase..Maybe patut pegi lg bookstores bace buku Dr.Tuah..Maybe i wanna go to Kino dis time..Sy perlukan badut penceria hati,dimanakah anda???

Ok,bye betol2..

Find the person who will love you because of your differences,and not in spite of them and you have found a lover for life.
-Leo Buscaglia-
