1st- Hepy 28th Bufday (belated actually) to Abang (my 1st brother)
2nd- Hepy 21th Bufday to Kakda (my sister)
*Amaran dr tuan pnye blog,entry dis time mybe akn jd agk pnjg & byk iklan,so bewareeeee!!!* =D
Starts from last Friday,i've done the photoshoot for my 2nd assignment (The Rule of Thirds)..It's kinda hard actually to get the right composition.So i juz try my best to get the best photo! =P I've done this at MMU stadium (mls nk p jauh2),my theme is about tennis..So at the track,i managed to snap some photos for the some compositions like leading line,foreground frame and shape & pattern..(asl tulis skema sgt nehhhhhhhh,okeyyy,tukaaa,Alia,back to normal pelizzzz!!!)
Thanx syira coz bwk kt i bnde yg nk ltk kt tripod tu (xingt name die ape),i xlarat da nk jln blk bilik panas2 tu..Mekasey gak kt si buncit muncet (carik sndri la name die ape if nk taw sgt) 4 being my talent (i pon t'seksa gak tgh panas tu,bkn u sorang okeyh!! Ahahaa..) Ssh ohh nk dpt shadow time 2 sbb bru kol 12pm sumthing,ade shadow pon cenonet je,ketot2 & chomel je sume..ahahaha..mmg xlaa kan nk amek yg tu..Da bosan,maka blkla kn..Plan nk smbung ptg lak,tp photographer penat sgt smpai t'tido..Lame lak tu.. "-____-"
So on Saturday nite (dis is not saturday nite live okeyh),kteorg smbung lg photoshoot utk dptkn shadow,silhouette & reflection.1st g kt court tennis,tp cm xbest je situ,so kteorg move to HB4 nye court..Haa sini best sket,BESOOOOOOOO!! Snap! Snap! Snap!! I dun really get nice pics for the shadow..It's kinda hard for me to shoot at night.. "-____-" But i dun easily gave up,juz continued shooting,playing around wif the camera,my talent and the helper..Ehehee..Agk2 da bosan situ + lampu pon da tutup,g kt gym tu snap pics again for the silhoutte & reflection..Dpt,tp xlawa..sabo je laa..huhu..Syira sms me asked we whether i wanted to go to OU or not,ohh babe,i'm not sure since ecah's not here..Maz okey saje kan..ahahaa..
Continued our journey on Sunday (cewahh,poyonye saye..ahahaa),utk photoshoot..Hajat di hati maw shoot pg la KONON2 nye kn sbb ptg KONON2 gak nk kuar g shopping,skali cik alia & si buncet tu xbgn pon..So,mariiiiiii kite wat photoshoot lam mimpi..ahahaa..(pg tu ujan,tu yg best tidooooooooooo)..Actually i da bgn,tp sbb godaan cuaca & mata yg sgt ngntok,maka abaikan,i tido blk laa.. =D Tuptup,okeyh set,,photoshoot ptg pulak..Bagos ohh my talent neh,rajin die..Xyah pakse pon nk wat photoshoot,rela hati je..Thanxx lah u!! (i noe,u nk jd model kn??best x posing byk2,main tennis peluh2 pas2 kene posing..ahahaaa..) 1st today shoot utk reflection..Idea dr talent (photographer xdak idea),sgt hebat..Dpt gmbr lawa..Next silhouette!! Xsah la kn if photographer xmelekapkan bontotnye ats jln raye atau dgn kate lain meniarap @ baring!! ahahaha..Haihhh,naseb2..(wlaupon photographer neh kpale batu sket,tp i dgr la jugak kn ckp korang..ehehe) Lagi2???Huermmm,haaa,,Shape & pattern pulak..Mane ye??(saje re-shoot lg wlaupon pics b4 dis dh ade) Okeyh,blkg HB3 tu..U noe,blkg dapur tu,yg ade batu-bata kaler merah tu..Ahahaa,sgt creative kn..Tp disebabkan pencemaran bau & juga keadaan sekeliling yg spt di abandon nye bgunan,maka kami move lg ke tmpat yg lg WANGI.. =P Kuar gate HB4,amek kt ats jln nk g ke FCM tu,kt tangga kecik tu kn..Okeyh xbest..Move lg smpai kt FCM,kt FCM Atrium tu,ade dinding yg lawa tu kan..Maka,i pon,buncet! sile posing kt dinding! Ahahaa,gurau2 (tp btol la)..Pas2 i da nk cpt sbb nk kuar ngn Maz pulak.Maka tamatla sesi "menembak" kami..Thanxxx sgt2 korang,have fun gler ngn korang!! =D






Bukak puasa kt Satay Kajang yg glamer tu,Hj Samuri ke Hj.Samurai (mane lg best name die??Ahahaha..) Me,Maz & nadia wif maz's frens..Mkn2 (ade org blanje),knyg giler okeyh,muat 8 cucuk je,xsmpai sploh..hikhikhik..Pas2 anta nad kt Cyberia,den i ngn Maz heading to Hartamas coz Maz nk jmpe her fren + g amek Syira kt umah kt Damansara..Vrommm3!!! I ngn Maz,potpet2 lam kete,Lalalaa..Pas2 sesat,xjmpe umah syira..ahaha..lawak2!! Jln sket call syira,syira call,call syira,last2 jmpe gak..Ape neh syira,kasik instruction xbtol..(xpsl2 slhkn syira..ahaaha..) =P Pas2 kteorg g Hartamas Square..Rmai bestfren syira cni iaitu sejenis binatang yg dipanggil TIKUS @ MOUSE!! ahahaa..Then pegi CIMB Bank..Tp mata & kaki i "lajuuuuuuuuuu" je nmpk kedai Little.Black.Book!! Yeayyyyyyyy!! Finally,jmpe gak,bukak lg tu,ape lg,mai la p buang2 duit sehelai due..Wahahaaa.. =P Msk je,OKEYYYYY,nk beli sume!! hikhikhik..Geram neh,da lame xdpt shopping..Maka dgn segala hormatnye,i "merembat" 3 helai baju..(1 je utk i,2 lg nk kasik kt org..Ohh sy sgt baek,mekaseyyy) Murah kot,nyesal pulak beli 1 baju je..huhu..Pas2 g mkn kt Uncle Don (cani ke eja die,xingt)..Minum je sbnrye,mkn sket je.maz yg mkn..kuikuikui..Pas jmpe kwn maz (smpat lg tu main teka-teki..cm da lame je knal)..then move to Hartamas Square (WAFFLE!! WAFFLE!!) Nyum3!!! Mari kite mkn waffle yg sedap itu!! Lepak,Lepak & Lepak,maka kteorg pon insaf la..Balik jom!!! (sekeliling org isap shisha,camera da bwk,nk snap pics cm malu pulak,so gmbr curik je la byk..ahahaa)
Hari berikutnye iaitu Isnin (i xtido okeyh)..Today 2 submission,Computer Modelling & Computer Environment..Maka kami b'tungkuss-lumus menyiapkn keje2 kami yg t'bengkalai itu (suke sgt keje last menet,pdn muke kteorg!! Wahaha) Pegi klas photography,sgt2 sikit org..Tnjuk gmbr kt Che Mat..Die suke gmbr yg reflection tu (da best die ckp),gmbr leading line ok,shadow ok,foreground frame ok,silhouette ok,shape & pattern die xbrp suke..Ahaha,naseb2..Pas2 blk ah kn,g consult je pon..Smbung lg keje2 t'bengkalai tu (cm keje contract kacau simen & wat umah lak ble sebut keje2 t'bengkalai..hikhikhik.. =P ) Pas2 submit Computer Modelling..b4 dat boley pulak PC hang kn,time org nk cpt ni la die nk hang..ishh!! Ohh Lecturer kteorg May Chan sgt lawa la arini,boley gurau2 pulak..Chantekkkk..Pas2 blk bilik smbung siapkn MCE lak,combine everything jd cm thesis (mdm ling ckp cm2)..(xtido lg smpai skrg okeyh)..Lam kol 3 lbh g submit kt Mdm Ling..okeyh settle,tggl asemen DM ni lak..Org lain da anta asemen..Hampehss u dak2 ID!! bwekkkkk!! =P *jeles neh* Blk bilik,tggu si maherausaurus (xingt eja cane,sory wey) sbb maw ke alamanda,diorg nk p boling..Pas2 baring la kn ats lntai..Okeyh,seminit,2 minit,3 minit..ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... "-________-" *cannot thn olready,im soo sleeeeeeeeepy*
Pas2 diorg kejutkn ble mamat tu da smpai,haihss,mmg xsmpat la kn nk siap2,ngn ngntoknye lg,so abaikn je la,tido lg best! wahaaha..Time bukak pose pon xsedo,tido lg..Penat sgt..Bgn2 smyg,minum air,pas2 tido blk smpaila mereka pulang ke bilik..Ohh org tuu,di awangan ye arini..Semoge b'bahagia ye,aminn..U (kpd yg b'kenaan),i blom jmpe lg my partner,cane neh???Carikkn utk i gak sorang!! hikhikhik..Pas2 blaa blaa blaa,mndi mkn sume..Blaa Blaa Blaa..It's time finish up Design Process final project assignment bebeh!! huhuhu..Ble nk siap neh..adoiiii..Mlm ni da nk balik,YEAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! *pepijat,kirim kt ko ye,tlg submit aku nye skali..ahaaha..tenkiu2..* Brg2 da pack sket,maseh ade lg yg nk kene pack,blk 2 weeks kotttttt!! =D Best2!!
Maka dgn ini,i,tuan punye blog neh,nk wish Slamat Smbung Puasa kt korang..Lg brp ari je bln Ramadhan neh,so jgnla sia-siakn okeyh..Wat amal byk2,kutip pahala di bulan yg mulia ini..Next,of coz la Slamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kn..Maaf Zahir je da ckup rasenye..hikhikhik.. =P
Korang2 sume,sory if ade slh silap slame neh,mntk maaf byk2 okeyh,halal la sume mkn minum tu,sengaja ke x,mane taw kot2 ni last da jmpe kn..Ajal maut di tgn Tuhan,kte xtaw..So,better mntk maaf skrg..Forgive me okeyh!! =) To all my mentee,Nana,Syera & Ili (saye xmrajuk da ngn korang,segalenye dimaafkan..) Cik Put & Izzati also,gudluck in Alpha 1st sem bebeh..Korang 5 neh mmg best,lucky me dpt korang as my mentee..ehehe..Rendu korang,sayang korang.. *hug2 & kiss* Okeylaa,smpai sini je la entry yg agk melampau pnjg neh..ahahaa..Later xtaw la pulak ble nk update blog neh,mybe 2 weeks afta dis,tgkla cane kn..huhuhu (sedey la pulak,xpsl2)..Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee korang,Hepy Holidayssssssssssss..Final exam jgn lupe,raye2 jugakk..aahaha..Bye lagiiiiiiiiiiii.. -Sekian-
*ohh i'm gonna mishhh u lotsssssssss (kpd sape2 yg b'kenaan)..hikhikhik..*
nak blaja amek gambar jugak!!!
and nak baju camtuh jugak!
i lol'd dkat comment atas 8D
ops nyemak lalala~
sape roti bakar neh??ahahaa..
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