Adoii,tag lg..Pnjg b'jela pulak yg ni,tp cm best je soklan2 die..xpela,demi cik Ecah,i jwbla..ehehe.. *if jwpn xpuas ati,xyah smbung bace,kang lg saket ati..ahahaa..*
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names.
Starting time: 3.11am (ehh 3.11,like my bufday..ahahaha)
Name: Nor Alia Mardhiah Bt Ibrahim
Sisters: Ade 2 org (Kak Wani & Kakda)
Brothers: Ade 2 gak (Abang & Ajib)
Shoe size: 8-9
Height: Xingt da brp,xdela ketot sgt.. =P
Where do you live: Kuala Terengganu..
Favourite drinks: I like green apple juice..Nyumm3!!!
Favourite breakfast: Slalu miss brekfast.. "-_-"
Have you ever been on a plane? : Penah la,tiap kali blk umah msti naik itu Airasia sbb murah je kn,mahal2 xmampu..heeee.. =D
Swam in the ocean: I xreti sgt swim..Tp ari2 ade org ckp kt i mcm reti swim je,tipu ke ckp xreti??? "-_-"
Fallen asleep at school: If da ngntok giler2 tido kot,slalu2 xpenah.. =)
Broken someone's heart: Xsure la pulak kn,if ade,Soryy laa..
Fell off your chair: Msti la penah,ni sume keje dak2 skolah la neh.. =/
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Xkuase nk tggu,i xsuke gayut2 neh,SMS lg best kott!! Xdela pnas tlinge..ahaha..
Saved e-mails: Yg important je save..
What is your room like: Xtaw la cane skrg,lame da xblk..Next week blk i gtau okeyh! ahaaha..
What's right beside you: Botol air mineral..
What is the last thing you ate: Chipsmore! Today mkn yg mngarut je..huhu..
Ever had chicken pox: Xpenah lg,cuakk2!!
Sore throat: "-_-"
Stitches: Afta cuci baju msti ade,i dunno why la..Haihss..
Broken nose: Maseh slamat & ori lg my nose stakat neh! Ahahaa..
Do you believe in love at first sight: Boleylaa..Tp if kite je yg caye,org yg kite suke tu xcaye,xde gune jugak prasan sorang2..
Like picnics: Kecik2 dulu slalu la g picnic,but now da besar xdela pulak..Jom picnic kawan2!!!
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with: Sorang2 kt court HB4 td! (dance ke??pusing2 je kot..Ahhaa)
Last who made you smile: Adelaaa..(secret2!!) Heee.. =D
You last yelled at: Td tu tepi jln kt si rambut pacak tu sbb die gelak cm hape ntah,kuat giler kot! =P
Today, did you:
Talk to someone you like: Ohh auww2..Ntah xtaw..Ahaha.. *blushing2*
Kiss anyone: Arini xla,b4 dis adela..Opss,kiss my parents okey!! =P
Get sick: Adela td,GASTRIK lg (watkn i xde selera nk mkn pape)!! huhu..
Talk to an ex: I xde ex..
Miss someone: Bkn sum1 je,ramaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. =D
Eat: Mstila mkn..apela soalan..
Best feeling in the world: Ble ade org ckp "i luv U" & die btol2 mksudkn ape yg die ckp,bkn hangat2 taik ayam je.. =D
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Nope!
What's under your bed: Byk sgt neh..ahahaa..
Who do you really hate: FROG!!! anti giler!
Is there a person who is on your mind now: Ade2..slalu pulak ingt die..Ohh u r soo chomel..Lalalalaaaa.. =P
Do you have any siblings: Ade 2 abg & 2 akak..i xde adek.. =(
Do you want children: Of coz la nak.. =D
Do you smile often: Slalu senyum smbil wat muke buruk..ahaha..
Do you like your hand-writing: Boleyla..ehehe..
Are your toe nails painted: Tak..bkn haram ke utk org Islam?? "-_-"
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Katil abah & umi best..selesa je tidooo..ahaha..
What color shirt are you wearing now: Black!
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. : Baring ats katil pikir nk mkn ke x..hikhikhik..
Are you a friendly person?: Frenly la jugak..yeke??anda2 sile jwb.. =)
Do you have any pets: Xde,sape2 nk kasik silekan..
Where is the person you have feelings for right now? : Xtaw la die (wat2 xtaw)..If die kt sbelah i skrg kn best!! ahahaha.. -gatal- =D
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you?: Xingt da ble mase btol2 pegang tgn org..t'pegang byk kali la.. "-_-"
Do you sleep with the TV on?: Da ngntok sgt mmg xsedar TV on ke off..
What are you doing right now? : Wat tag ni la (when i supposed to finish up my Flash..haihh,M A L A S)
Have you ever crawled through a window? : Penah dulu mase duk umah kt Besut sbb i je yg muat msk celah tingkap tu..ehehe..
Can you handle the truth? : Huermm,depends la..
Are you too forgiving?: Yes kot!
Are you closer to your mother or father? : Abah best lbh sikit!! Tp umi pon best gak! =D
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: Ntah la..lupe..
How many people can you say you've really loved?: Ohh yg special tu mstila sorang je.. =)
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: Xde ex.. "-_-"
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: Yes!
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: Org cm xkesah pon if i sedey ke i lg suke g tmpat xde org sorang2,pas2 buat ape yg i suke..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: Loud kot..Tp kdg2 i can be toooooooo quiet! =D
Are you confident?: Yes la KOT!
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:-
.Skola kt Besut!
.Tak pass exam PTS! ahahaha..
.Naik pangkat jd prefect! =P
.Jd bdk innocent giler yg manje!
.Main ngn dak2 kt area2 umah ptg2 smpai maghrib bru reti blk umah! ahaha..
5 snacks I enjoy:-
.Choki2! ahaha..
.Eskem Rainbow yg Paddle pop tu!
.Kuih ape ntah neh org pggl..Tlinge ape ecah??ahaaha.. =P
5 of my bad habits:-
.Tarik2 rmbut dpn PC ble stress xdak idea..
.Suke sepahkn brg (tp pas brp saat je i kemas blk)
.Suke pkai selipar @ kasut same (pdhal ade je yg lain)
.Potong kuku smpai darah.. "-_-"
.Lmbat jwb bile org pggl!!!
5 places I have lived in (or WILL live in):-
.Nk jwb satu je..xmaw da kawen nti ikot husband la!! (pikir future neh!)
5 jobs I've had:-
.Tukang dgr & settlekn mslh junior2!
.Jd Pn.President (ni sape suke pggl cani neh) =P
.Tkg cuci pinggan kt umah..
.Tukang tlg pape2 kt umah (yg best tukang mkn!)
.Tukang kuarkn kunci blk 2006 neh ble nk masuk bilik sbb makcik lg due tu slalu mls kuarkn kunci..huhuhu..
5 people i wanna tag:
.Mls pulak nk tag2 neh!! Slalu tag org same sape2 yg rase nk jwb bnde neh,silelaa,dgn segale hormatnye dipersilakan.. =D
A Beginner’s Guide to Signing Up on PG Slot
1 week ago
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