Okeyhh,dis is my 3rd time writing da same thing here bcoz at 1st,i've delete this..(xsengaja okeyh)..2nd time,i t'tutup tab neh..Hampehss btol..Hopefully dis time xde pape yg akn jd,mls da nk type bnde yg same..huhuhu..
Today sgt bosan..I dunno wat to do (actually i HAVE SOMETHING to do,tp malas) + i'm alone rite now..B4 tido kol 6am,i tgk movie cite SECRET..
*to encek Adam,i da tgk okeyhh cite neh,sorang2,i xnanges ponnnnnnn.. =D *
Pas tgk half cite ni,i ngntok,tido la kn..Plus xde letrik,xboley nk on9 kott..I mean letrik kt plug yg tgh,lampu kipas ade je..huhuu..
Tido,tido & tido je 4 da whole day (xdela whole day sgt,half day kot..Who cares,i kn "sleeping monster")..ehehee..Ble bgn,mule la xtaw nk watpe..Seb baek da boley on9..Byk ohh offline msg,mls nk lyn..Ahahhaa.. =D Plan nk kuar g amek gmbr hanye lam mimpi,,heeee.. =P
I want 2 eat,i'm hungry..okeyh,mkn roti je la..Xmaw mkn megi,xsedap..Opsss,dun get me wrong,i cannot "puasa" okeyhh..eheheehe.. =) Den my mum sms ( i dun think my mum type dat msg,i noe my mum..ehehe) ask me what to eat for break fast..So i juz reply her sms..Then i sambung tgk movie 2 smpai abes..Pas2 wat research lg for Design Process..Ohh da muak la pulak research psl SHISHA je..I have to..B'ym same Ecah,die ckp,sape2 ajk kuar pegi je..Ahahaha,tgkla cane..Malas okeyh,korang ade xpe gak! =P
Lapar da xboley thn,kuar g mkn..Layan giler kot mkn sorang2..I want to eat more..Mkn sedappppppppppp2!!! (hentak2 kaki kt lantai..wawaaaa..) Kt luar sgt sejuk + hujan lebat..huhuu..Pas2 blk bilik..Haihh bosan kot..giler xde life!! ahahaha..Wateva la..esk msti maw kuar jugak,xkire g mane pon,mestii kuar wlaupon kejap..*hopefully jd btol2,jgn tido lame2.. =) *
Okey,no more idea wat to type here..Better stop here b4 u guys get bored with my post here..ehehe..Byee..
A Beginner’s Guide to Signing Up on PG Slot
1 week ago
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