I'm a lil bit "lazy" to update my blog + nothing interesting happened these few days..heeee.. =D
Huermm,dunno to start from where..Okeyh,from the previous post,after "sahur",i slept..OMG!!! Woke up on 12.30pm!! GOSHHH!! Missed MCE class..*sigh* But nevamind,who cares..ahaaha..Then i continue my dreamssss... =)
Break fast time,went to HB2,"tapau",ate in my room with syira & ecah..
Not going for tarawikh tonite,i got "cuti2 m'sia"..eheheehe.. =D
Around 10pm,went to HB4 for Bowling Club meeting,discussing about out next event..9-Pin-Tap-tournament..So the Director for this event was Mira,Assistant Director was Syera..This tournament (not really a tournament actually),will be held at ARL Power Bowl Alamanda,Putrajaya..To all the HICOM who were "missing in action" dat nite,make sure u guys come to our next meeting..plz plz plz..*sape2 yg ade hal & da inform kt i b4 meeting,i paham,it's ok*
We also have discussed about the event for next sem..We are planning to do an event,open to other clubs in MMU,especially sport clubs..Each club need to find 6 people,3 people in 1 team..So we've decided to make 20 team *maybe more*..ehehee.. =)
*thanx a lot to ecah,syira,mira,syera,lah,faiz & dinie for coming to our meeting dat nite.. =D *
5th Ramadhan...
So,dis is it!! In my room,me,ecah & syira were busy doing our MCE assignment (our PC spec)..We felt like we're in FIT,dealling with all these computer stuff,all the components inside the CPU..
*ble kteorg bukak CPU nye cover tu,usha2 ape ade lam CPU,sume da pening..ahaaha..Seryes lawak,pas2 sume da start m'bebel sbb xjmpe carik processor chips.hikhikhik.. =D Ni bkn keje dak2 FCM weyyy..* While doing the assignment,i'm eating Cadbury Bites & Chipsmore,i drank lots of mineral water..Juz love it!! =D
OMGGG!!! stress u noe,i'm not into it..BORINGGGGG!!! *our fault also,we're so last minutes..NO SLEEP BEBEH!!! ahahaha..* Need to submit these on 11am-12pm to our group lecturer in her room (Dr.Koo)..Everything was finished on 11.30am.Fuhhhh!! Went to Dr.Koo's room to submit..then she said,"waahh,good2 u guys..this is good"..Lucky us!! =D
*Thanx a lot to Ecah sbb buat layout and content,edit2 sume..Thanx to Rachel for doing ur part,u did a good job,SERIOUSLY!! Thanx to syira sbb pegi print..Kite sume same2 penat..huhuhu*
After we've submitted our assignment,i went to the bank with Ecah..Then we went back to our room..OMGG!! I can see my bed was waving at me,I saw my pillows,the weather outside was JUST NICE (cold),then i quickly...ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZzzZZz.. =P
Woke up at 8.30pm or around that,nobody was in this room..*sume da blk umah,sob sob sob*..Haihh,alone again..huhu.. =(
Online online online..Ym Ym Ym...Boringggggggg...Then i get bathed,went out,looking for some food,laparrr okeyh!!
Now i'm in my room,wasting time..ahahaa..I think dat i want to go out today (Saturday),not sure where coz i want to take pictures for my Human Factor major assignment..huhu..I've edited some of my fireworks pictures that i've taken during the Malaysian International Fireworks Competition@Putrajaya (Finale).. *do check my Friendster & MySpace guys*
I still have 4 assignments to submit..OMGG!! 4 u noe!! FOURR!!! =(
About the digital photography,i'm not sure whether we have to submit our fireworks photo or not,quite confusing..huhuhu..I'll ask my fren about this later laa..
Btw td i YM ngn Bet (my crossroad fren),die ckp die da nk fly g India on 10 Oct neh..Sob Sob Sob..Sume nk fly da..Nti b4 raye ZT lak g Republic Czech (maap kalu silap,xreti eja)..Cik Farah tu plok mmg da kt Korea..Gane la die raye ekgi..Nti sure rendu korang giler2 sbb ble sy blk cuti kt Trg ekgi korang xdop doh,huhu..Xdop doh la cm dulu,hang out g maen boling,g lepak kt batu buruk op,time raye sume tu!!!! wawaaaaaaa... ='(
I think dat's all..Thanx..
A Beginner’s Guide to Signing Up on PG Slot
1 week ago
ooooo nice pics
wah cantek2....tepuk tangan semua clap1000x
sape harizhussein neh???btw meksey..hikhikhik..
lawaaa gambarrr!
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