Monday, January 10, 2011

A reminder!

We say a simple Salaam to anyone, we're rewarded.
We smile at someone, we're rewarded.
We treat someone with kindness, we're rewarded.
We pray in "Masjid" with Jamaah, we're rewarded 27 times more than those who pray alone.
We begin anything with "Bismillah", that action of us is rewarded.
We end our activities with 'Alhamdulillah", we're also rewarded.
We think of doing a good deed, we're rewarded.
We control our temper, we're rewarded.
We eat and drink with our right hand, we're rewarded.
We pray for forgiveness and health for our fellow Muslims, we're rewarded.
We forgive, we're rewarded.
We think positive towards Allah and other people, we're rewarded.
We keep our promises, we're rewarded.
We seek knowledge for the benefit of others, we're rewarded.
We share knowledge to others in need, we're rewarded.
We walk towards the "Jum'ah prayer", our each step is very greatly rewarded.
We take wudhu', we're rewarded.
We treat our father and mother with humbleness, kindness and respect, we're greatly greatly greatly rewarded.
We bring Allah to remembrance, we're rewarded.

So why do we withhold our reward?

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