Tuesday, December 16, 2008

13th Disember 2008

On this date,my bro b'tunang..So,i jd photographer (plz forgive me if the pics are *buruk*)..
But thanx 2 Faiz for the useful tips.. =)

From my house,we all gerak lam kol 12.30pm to Besut..My future sis-in-law org Besut,xjauh pon,dekat je..Ehehe..Smpai umah Kak Aida lam kol 2.45pm,sume 11 buah kete..Yup,11 je..My family members rmaiiii.. =D My bro kasik 7 dulang (cincin,kain sutera,kain sembahyang,fruits,kuih,sirih & baju kurung)..
These were the pics on that day:-

Ni cincin merisik dat day (7/12/2008)
Dis 1 cincin tunang...
My umi wif Kak Aida,sarung cincin...

Ajib ckp die nerves gler time neh..Ahaha..

Officially... =P

Hope they'll hepy together.. =)
Wif our future sis-in-law.. =D
My relatives..thanx 2 mr.tripod.. =P
From him to her...
My loveeeee... <3
I nk msk gmbr gak..Ehehe..
My cute+talkative little monster!! Ahahaa.. =P

We reached home around 7pm..Everyone was happy,especially my parents & my bro..Ehehe..Later my 1st bro came home wif my sis-in-law & my niece coz afta dat they wanna go home at Kemaman..That nite i were eating like a monster and my abah said dat
"i am GEMOK"..Ahahahaaa.. =P Sekian...
