My Top 5 Wish..
1-Get 2 know him closer,hopefully happy ending la kan..hehehe.. =)
2-Finish my degree year with good result..InsyaAllah..
3-MOREEEE camera equipments (zoom lens,new bag,new tripod,speed light & etc...)
5-Want 2 open a business..ahahahaa..smbung bisnes art market,jahit design kt socks,wanna do on bags also..hopefully ade mase & now in progress.. =)
Their wish 4 me through sms...
-Wan (2 Nov,11.59pm) -->I may not see u rite now but messages r ways 2 show dat i care + remember u.Hepi birthday Cik Nor Alia Mardhiah Bt Ibrahim..May God bless U! Welcome 2 9teen~ =)
*my gud fren of mine,he knows me well..hahaha..thanx 4 still remember me.. =) *
-Ecah (3 nov,12.01am) -->Hapi bday 2 u,hapi bday 2 u,hapy bday 2 alia buntal kecik montel,hapy bday 2 u! Hehe :p
-MacD (3 nov,12.04am) -->Hepi besday alia!!..frenship 4eva~
-Syira (3 nov,12.04am) -->Cik buntal! Happy birthday.selamat jd tua.haha.finally dh tua sorang 2 :p
-Maher (3 nov,12.04am) -->Oit, hpy bdae weh! Kau da tua! Katak tua! Haha.
-Mierul (3 nov,12.06am) -->Bday alia eh?btw happy birthday! dah besar dah..sikit =p
-Anis (3 nov,12.16am) -->Hepi3 burfday 2 u! Hehe..wish u all da besh in life. =)
-Sapit (3 nov,12.20am) -->Org tua. Org tua. Org tua. Org tua. Org tua. Slamat mnjadi org tua. :-P hepy 19th bday!
-Roziha (3 nov,12.27am) -->Hepi befday..Hope u hapy alwaiz..('-')
-Piqa (3 nov,11.42am) -->Hpy bday org tua.
-Lah (3 nov,1.29pm) -->HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALIA RAKSASA BUNTAL wahahaha.
-Ili my mentee (3 nov,3.19pm) -->Hepi besday! Mentorku yg comey dh tua hehe! Semoga pnjg umur ek <3
-Nana my mentee (3 nov,5.10pm) -->i have something special for u, a cute teddy special for ur borthday present..keep it well..Hepy b'day,aweet 19 =)
-Encek shafiq (3 nov,7.47pm) -->Cik Alia ku tembamm..Selamat Hari Lahir yg ke 19 =D Smoga pnjang umur,murah rezeki =)
-Faris (3 nov,8.41pm) -->Epi pedei!
-Umi (3 nov,8.53pm) -->Slamat hari jadi ke 19,smoga dirahmati allah n sukses. *luv u umi*
-Boy (3 nov,9.53pm) -->Happy Birthday Alia. I doakn u smoga pjg umur dan dmurahkn rezeki. Dan smoga u bahagia slalu.
-Bewan (4th nov,2.13am) -->Sayang! im so swie..epi besday huu..may God bless u..swie yep wish lewat..hee..take gud cre..nyte..mish u ^-^
*u guys jgn slh paham lak,he's my ex-klasmate & a gud fren of mine,he used 2 call me syg everytime die sms,suke joking2..ahahaa..sengalness..*
Their wish through YM..
-Ijat (3 nov,12.48pm) -->Wah happy birthday!!
-Zaxx (3 nov,12.51pm) -->Slmt ari tua *u 2 lg tua dr i..ahahaa..*
-Put my mentee (3 nov,12.53pm) -->Happy bday Alia,meh nk kiss sikit..
-Ikhwan da bapak (3 nov,1.02pm) -->Happy birthday
-Zaim (3 nov,1.02pm) -->hepy bday Alia
-Asrul (3 nov,4.18pm) -->happy birthday
-Aqsa (3 nov,4.19pm) -->Ahaha happy birthday
-Cik Sal (3 nov,11.48pm) -->Hepy besdayyyyyyyyyyyyy Alyaaaaaaa!!!
-Asri (4th nov,11.13am) -->epi besday
I also got some wishes from my frens through Friendster,but special from my fren,Bet in Bangalore,India..Thanxxx 4 da wish Bet.. =)
Wishes at my blog also from adam,sheila & sheera..Thanx..
Wishes face 2 face also from my sisters..ehehe..
*xbley jd abg ipar neh u guys nye bf coz my bufday pon diorg xingt,diorg pnye bufday kemain lg saye wish taw!! *
Special THANXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2 all of u coz u guys remember me..These were sooo meaningful 2 me.. =)
Lots of love,
A Beginner’s Guide to Signing Up on PG Slot
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