Friday, November 28, 2008


Kpd hamba Allah yg pkai name die as GUEST kt my shoutbox,
THANXXX weyy sbb bace blog aku!!! =P
I noe u're a LOSER!!!
(try kau tgk cermin,msti ade huruf L
beso kt dahi kau)..
Wahahaahaa... =D
sbb tu xbrani pkai ur real name kn...
Da xde blog,ade ati nk kutuk2 org...
*gelak guling2*


Cuci mata...

Pkai baju melayu kaler hitam,
Lalu HB3 nk g smyg Jumaat,
blk smyg pon lalu gak,
HENSEMMMM gak la...
Sape name haa???
Xpenah nmpk pon lam cmpus b4 dis...
Ehehehee... =P
*day dreaming*

*Abah,umi & Kakda are on their way from Trg to KL..Yeayyy,they are coming..Xsabar maw jmpe..
Yeayyy!!! =D *


Blendatron 2.0

We've done our ice-breaking session on last Saturday (we call it BLENDATRON) for the FCM'ers,especially for the juniors,and for the seniors as well..This event supposed 2 start on 8am,but due to the late comers,we've extended it to 9am..Thanx 2 all the juniors that have came that day,only 8 of them..Yeahh,only EIGHT out of 100..Pretty cool rite???Ahahaa..

We start the session wif the breakfast + briefing about FCM,all the majoring,showed the seniors previous works and etc..Seems that the juniors have started thinking about the majoring that they would like to join..Guyss,finish ur DF 1st okeyh,later u can think bout dis..Ehehe..Around 10am or 11am,i lupeee,we all started the games..I ngn Alan jage kt checkpoint 4 kt playground sbelah masjid..JENGG3!!! Mari membuli~~~ *evil laugh* =D The 1st game,kteorg pggl Newspapers & numbers,kt FOE Foyer..Next,isi air lam botl,main kt HB3..Duk kt masjid 2 pun da bley dgr diorg jerit2..Ahaha..Then continue with the 3rd checkpoint..Main Helikopter (pusing2 byk round pas2 mskkn benang lam jarum mase tgh pening2 tu..pdn muke korang!!) Ahahahaaa.. =P Next kt my checkpoint..Alang2 da byk halangan best kt playground tu,maka i ngn Alan decide suruh diorg lalu halangan2 tu smbil bwk belon..Lawak2,sian kene buli lagi..Haa da last part neh best..Main carik getah lam tepung tp pkai straw..Lps games,IT'S WAR TIMEEEEE!!! Abesla la sume putih & basah sbb kene baling ngn tepung & simbah2 air..Sgt2 best time neh,cm have fun giler sume..Kteorg main kt set & background studio,so cm byk space nk lari2 & simbah2 air..Ehehee..Pas2 blk ke XR,had our lunch..Again lam XR still main tembak2 pkai water gun..Ishh,byk btol i kene serang hendap dr blkg & dpn..Penyerang2 handalan,Maher,Zaxx & Nini...Finally dpt gak tembak diorg blk,pdn muke!! Ahahahaa.. *evil laugh* Pas2 sume blk,rest & sleep of coz...
*thanx zaxx ajar i new skill guna camera yg i xpenah taw b4 dis..Ehehee..*

With Cik Sal..
Diorg tgh draw flag 4 their group...
Isi air lam botol pkai newspapers & candles...
Pusing wan pusing...
Sian Rid kene serang..Ahaha...
Da best part that day.. =P
Fair la sume kene..
Evil of the day..Jgn t'tipu ngn muka innocent Nini.. =D
We are AWESOME!!!
Pdn muke Zaxx!!! Wahaaha..
Sile2 introduce kan diri anda.. =)
Lam XR1002...

Around 5pm,kteorg g prepare susun2 kerusi kt FCM Badminton Court for the nite session..Lps Maghrib lam kol 8pm,kteorg kumpul situ..Biase la kn,janji melayu..So session neh start around 9pm..1st,performance from dy,wan & ghazi..Wuuu,suare Dy best taww~~Next???Makan laaa,lapo neh..BBQ chicken,hotdogs,fries & coleslaw..Thanx 2 Gonjengs & Maher for the food..Afta dat,sesi m'buli junior lg..Wahahaa..Sian la korang neh,tp xpe,skali ni je..Ask them 2 catwalk,but dgn cara paling gedik..Bestt3!!! Ahahaha,sumpah lawak kot..Pas2 main game pulak..At 1st main CALIT,tp cm rmai yg confuse ngn name2 samaran tu,so kteorg main game PUTAT..Confusing gak neh,tp bantai je la..Sape mati kene calit gak..Campuran kunyit 2 msk lam mulut i,rase masin2 sikit..Ngeee.. =D Lps da lame giler bru abes main,sume da penat..So continue ngn performance from the seniors..Lps tu da penat,tp still boley lg giler2 sume camwhoring session la..Tak FCM la xamek gmbr byk2..Ahahaa..Okeyh2,sume da penat melampau,balik...Alpha+Beta+Delta awesome..Dak2 Gamma???3 org je yg online mlm tu,lain2 sume appear offline..Wahahaa.. =P Thanx for coming guys..You were AWESOME lahh~~Committee juga AWESOME thp max!!!

Dy,Wan & Ghazi...

Ili,Nana & Syera..My sengalness mentee.. =P
Bapak ngn Kamil pon nk perform jugak!!
Rid,Alep,Daus,Wanaf (Delta students)
Sesi m'buli masih b'leluasa..
Sile2 calit si Alep neh...
Pengacau antarabangsa..Hihihi..
Beta+Gamma 2-3 org+Delta...
Me & them... <3
Kepoyoan melanda mereka,tp mereka memeriahkan suasana.. =D

Diorg sume da blk,lps kemas2,i,syira,maher,nini,kamil,bapak,acap,mawi,king
went to McD at SK..Maw mkn lg sbb still lapo..Ehehe..Lepak2 sane,gelak sumpah xtahan Mawi wat lawak..Almost 2 hours kot gelak smpai perot rase cm nk meletop je..Mereka2 yg tgk bola duk luar,kteorg kt dlm b'gelak gumbira,sedar2 da kol 3am lbh..So mari kita pulang ke sarang masing2..Ahahhaa..Sekian...


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hari xde klas...

Tuesday I’ve no class...So I went 2 kl 2 meet up my ex-classmate from my skewl,SMKSS in Kuala Trg...My lucky day for that dat day I guessed,no need to wait for a long time to get the public transport... =) I met my fren at Times Square...(Almost 2 years xjmpe die neh, haihss, lame btol)...From TS, we walked 2 Pavilion, maw makan...I juz get ready perot & mulut je sbb org nk blanje kn..Hihihi..We ate at Carl’s Jr...Xabes,xlarat nk sumbat da,knyg sgt.. Ngeee.. =P

Lps mkn jln2 kjap lam Pavilion,pusing2 carik cinema,I lupe kt mane..Ahahahaa..Ble da jmpe,ingt maw tgk movie,tp cite sume cm xbest je..So xjd la..Then kteorg pegi Low Yatt,I nk beli hard disk & my fren nk survey laptop...Pusing2 area PC & laptop for almost 1 hour la kot,or lebih..Ehehe..Pusing tmpat same xtaw laa brp kali,I lupe nk kira..Cane la kaki xrase nk t’cabut,jln non-stop..Hihihii..Lps beli hard disk, we all went back 2 TS..Haihss,bosan la cni,xde ape yg best..Jln sket duduk,pas2 t’menung..Gilerr bosan ohh cni..Lg skali pegi cinema,round2 dpn kaunter,last2 blah..Ehehehe..Cite xbest la..Then kteorg pon blk la,g KL Sentral… (lam monorail rase cm duk lam tin sardine,eiuuu,penuh org,no space 2 moves,sabo je laaa..Seb baek xde bau2 yg masam dr org sbelah..Ahaha..)

Kt KL Sentral, bought me & my fren ice-cream @MCd..Tgh mkn tu kn,kteorg nmpk sign kt lam KL Sentral tu..2nd warning,DILARANG MAKAN & MINUM blaa3…Bodo btol la..Klu xbley mkn nape ade MCd,nape ade restoran byk2 lam KL Sentral tu..Kteorg gelak je ble bace tu,smbil smbung mkn McFlurry..Ngee.. =P Da beli ticket ERL,tggu ½ jam coz da t’lps train..Hihihi..(beli tiket bus yg return,tp I blk naik ERL..Ehehe..) Afta dat say bye2 then I pon blk la menuju ke Cyber xberjaya neh..Smpai kol 9pm,pegi meeting CMC pulak..Penat siottt…Kaki rase cm maw t’cabut sudah..Pas2 tido mati…Sekian…

*Mase kt Low Yatt my dad call..Ckp psl PC kjap,pas2 my dad tnye i taw x yg my 2nd bro nk b'tunang,and i was like "haaa???seryes???",smbil gelak giler...Seryes xcaye kot..Pas2 my dad ckp siap ckp da beli cincin sume..Wuhhh,dis is amazing la..Sumpah xcaye xpela,da smpai jodoh die kot..Ehehe..My bro ckp nk tggu my sis skali,kawen beramai-ramai..Then i ckp kt my dad,i pon nk tunang gak la..Ahahahahaaha (gelak kuat2 ngn my dad,gatal nye i xde,tp nk tunang..Ngokngek jeee..Ngee..) Ohh all da best laa 4 my bro,Ajib..Hope u're hepy alwaiz..nti dpt sis-in-law lg sorang..pas2 dpt ank sedare lg...Yeayyy!! Opss,over pulak angan2..Hihihi..

Ni nk b'tunang???AHAHAHA..(gelak guling2)


Monday, November 24, 2008

Cerita hari ini...

Kelas Design Process kol 9am...Bgn kol 8.20am,godek2 siap2 smpai kol 9am,pas2 bru kedek2 jln g klas smbil mkn roti Gardenia..Ayu btol gadis melayu mkn smbil jln..Ahahahaa.. =P Printout Typo xbwk sbb xsiap lg..*malas2* Lalalaaa~~~Selamber saje sbb taw xkn kene marah..Ishhh,teruk btol la!!! Today blaja psl CONTRAST in Typography..Mcm2 la contrast,nk taw sile explore sndri..I x dibayar utk kasik lecture kt korang lam blog i neh..Wahahaa.. =D Pas2 ade in-class exercise..Kene visualize kn ayt I WANT TO GIVE YOU A FLOWER,but cannot use words..So pndai2 la draw..Break..Break..Break...Pegi FCM Cafe beli donut,lapoo~~Makan2 lam klas,nyum2..Blom draw pape..Benciiiiiiiiiiiiiiii laa drawing,xreti taw!!! Ishhhh~~~Last2 wat gak dgn t'pakse,sekuntum bunga,5 hearts shape & 1 org lidi laki..Lantakla..Ahahahaa...End of morning session...

Pegi lunch kt HB2 ngn Sal & Ijat..Blk bilik,baring2,nk tido xboley sbb klas smbung lg kol 2pm..Pas2 smyg,pegi kelas...Mr.Bad & Mr.Erwin tunjuk video psl Typography,rmai btol font designers lam video neh..Mostly sume ckp font HELVETICA ni perfect..Xde prasaan la pulak kn tgk font neh..Hihihi..Video ditayang kt dpn,I ngn Sal duk gelak2 kt blkg,sume pandang..Wateva laa..I gelak kuat pulak,oppsss~~Lawak kot..Tgk newspapers Gunalan conteng kt muke2 org lam papers,ltk misai la,janggut la,jalur2 ats dahi,pkai spek la,mcm2..Sumpah lawak..Sal siap boley wat dialog lg..Pas2 kteorg pon tmbah2 la kt mane2 muke org yg still kosong bersih suci tu..Bestt taw,giler main2 lam klas~~~Ngeee.. =P

Pas2 ptg pegi Cyberpark ngn Sal & Ijat nk carik Mr.Typo yg sgt hensem tuu..Tp biase la kn,t'pesong sket niat tu,byk snap pics lain dr carik Mr.Typo..Ahahaa..View dat time sgt cantekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,lawaaaaaaaaaaaaa,sbb tgh sunset..Haihss,klu nk lyn prasaan sorang2 best je dtg cni ptg2..Yippieee,nti nk pegi lg..Best2!! Ngeee.. =D Today duk dpn pc godek2 kt YouTube carik video motion graphics utk typography..Woww,teruja + excited la pulak..Byk yg lawa2,hihihi,,ideaaa2...Korang bukak YouTube,type Lion Roar,ni contoh motion graphics,cool la jugak..I xtaw nk pilih lagu ape utk Final Project yg kene wat motion graphics neh,byk sgt choice la,sume lagu best je..Pening2~~(wahaha ade org bengang ngn i,die penat2 kasik list lagu tp i mls nk carik & dnload,i ngntok laa u..Esk masih ade..Ngee.. =D )

Teratai cantekkk...
Silhouette during sunset..Dis is amazing,bkn gmbr,tp view neh...
This can be an A..Ngee.. =P
Foreground frame..Hihihi..
Teman2 DM,sal & ijat..Dm hebat,Dm awesome,DM best..Yeayyy!!

Setelah mlm m'jelma,pegi D Arif dgn mereka (ecah,syrr,nad,maher & didi)..Pas2 g townhouse..Ade makcik bwk baldi dr townhouse smpai kt jln luar tmpat park kete..Ahahaa,maluu2..(ckp kt diri sndri)..Seb baek xde paparazzi ohh..Hikhikhikk!! =P Sekian,byee...


Weekend,i'm waiting for u!!!

Yeayyy!! Org tu da online,hepy hepy hepy..Ehehe..Puasss dpt tunjuk sume gmbr..Lalalaa~~~Ohh xsabar tggu weekend..I nk pegi dating..Opss,i t'ckp dating ek??Ahaha..Pape laa,abaikan..Xsabar ohhh..Cptla weekend...Ngeee.. =P

*congratz 2 all the committee for BLENDATRON & the participants also..U guys were AWESOME!!!*
*to SHEERA,hepy bufday..Sorry okeyh xpegi ur bday party..Bkn sengaja,tggu socks dr i,,hehe... =) *

Song:Cinta Antara Kita
Artist: Duta & Baizura Kahar


Friday, November 21, 2008

Heyyy u!!!

I miss u laa,da 1 in France..Ble maw abes intern haa???Lame btol..Online laa..Online laa..Online laa..Maw b'YM..Sms cm xb'guna je..Ngeee.. =P Da lame xde org usik tgh2 pg,teman mase tgh wat assignment pg2 (alia taw la sane mlm masih muda time 2,tp sini pagi okeyh,kate pon 7 jam beza..Haha..)..Haihss..Rendu la pulak kan..Hihihi..Maw cite mcm2,byk story neh,gmbr pun byk nk tunjuk..I noe u'll like it,tp soryla,xde pulak gmbr pkai baju kurung,tggu Raya Haji la ok..Nti alia snap2 byk2 pics pkai baju kurung,later i'll show 2 u..Hehehe..

Alia wat entry neh juz 4 u,tp sory again,nk cite pnjg lebar,story mcm2 bout u,but i dun have ur pics la sbb org tu kedekut xnak kasik..Ari2 da kasik kn tp alia t'delete pulak,xsengaja okeyh..Ahahaa.. =D Ohh tp alia still simpan alia nye pics yg da di edit time tu..Lawak je ble tgk balik..Btw,thanxx..Hihihihi.. =) Thanx 4 da bufday wish also,i'm still waiting for my bufday present from u,xkire,nak jugak..Ahahaha.. *evil laugh*

Sengal je gmbr..
Edit ntah pape..

Ade lg pics neh,tp xmo upload yg lain,ntah pape edit,merepek je..Malu ahh~~ Ahahaa.. =P Tgk sorang2 kt pc da la..Hihihi..

Ohh i miss someone else also...(bkn sumone sgtla,tp rmai la jugak,huhu) Ble maw jmpe korang haa??? =(


Thursday, November 20, 2008


Your results:You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Iron Man
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

*Ahahaa,giler xde keje arini..So gedik2 pegi try quiz ngokngek neh utk menghiburkan ati yg bosan duk bilik ari2..Ehehee..Sile try kalau maw taw.. =P *


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm in love with these...

Lalaaaa~~~Jason Mraz...I'm in love with all his songs...No matter what are you going to say, but I just love the way he sings & plays guitar at the same time..It makes me enjoy,happy,loveeeeeeeeeeee & etc by watching all these videos...I prefer the acoustic one,just love it,I taw nk ckp ape da sbb suke suke sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...Ngeee... =P I'm rarely browsing the videos on YouTube, but today, I’ve browsing some videos on YouTube and I’ve found all these videos..Ohh,i am melting when I heard his voice...Ahahaa...So here are the videos... =)

I'm Yours

Bella Luna

Life is Wonderful

I also love his other songs like Plane,Mr.Curiosity,Wordplay & Lucky...But not only Jason Mraz,i enjoy these songs also..Ehehe.. =)

Unintended by Muse

That's What You Get by Paramore

Fall for You by Seconhand Serenade

Byk lg sbnrnye,tp xkn nk ltk sume..Cm gedik pulak sume nk letak..Ahahaa..Saje je ltk all these videos,bosan2 boley dgr & tgk kn??Ngee.. =)


Monday, November 17, 2008

Tag by Dino Kerepot!!!

1.How old are you?

2. Are you single?
-Currently yes & it's quite complicated..wheuu...

3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
-Between 25-28 maybe..Ngee.. =)

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now??
-Ermm,i'm not sure..Kalau boley maw saje dgn jejaka idaman saye..lalalaa~~~

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
-Xtaw..silekan my parents tlg carik peliz.. "-_-"

6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
-Garden/beach wedding cm best je..I prefer outdoor la..ehehee..

7. Your ideal motif?
-Huermm,kene tnye Pak Abu dulu la..Ahahaa..

8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
-Mari yangg kite ke negara pdg pasir..wushh~~~ =P

9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
-Ntah la..

10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?

-Simple tp meriah..

11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
-Tnye Pak Abu gak..Ahahaa..Saye pening maw jwb..

12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
-Sebanyak yg boley,lwn KLCC tu best gak..

13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
-Simple place sudeyh,boley ajk sape2 yg i nak..

14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
-Ermm,evening kot..

15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
-Outdoor peliz..B'same angin sepoi2 bahase,ohh romatiknyee.. *blushing*

16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
-Mestilaaaaaa..Sape lg yg org nk tgk..

18. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
-Bukan lagu2 kawen..Lagu2 jiwang lam hp saye..Hikhikhik!! =P

20. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
-Nti kite tnye Pak Abu ye..

21. What age do you want to get married?
-Td kn da jwb..ishh~~

22. Describe your ideal husband/wife
-Ohh die mesti syg i la kn,pas2 pikir about our future.. *day dreaming*

23. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
-Mkn pkai tgn je cool gak kn..Wahahaa..

24. champagne or red wine?
-Air masak lg sedap..Ahahahahahaa.. =P

25. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
-Lps da sanding 2 trus pegila best,xyah kemas2 sume 2..Escape2!!! =D

26. Money or household item?
-Due2 ini penting!

27. Who will pay for the bills?
-U byr la yangg,u r da man..Ngee.. =P

28. Are you ready for married life?
-Xyah brangan nk pikir psl kawen..Blaja pon bru Beta..

30. Will u always be true to your wife/husband
-I hope so..InsyaAllah..

31. How many kids do u like?
-Rmai2 best jugak kn..

32. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
-Mane2 la aslkn boley b'teduh..cewahh~~

33. Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
-Silver/diamond la best,i dun like gold...

34. What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
-Pape yg sedap,pas2 msti ade puding caramel..Ngee.. =P

35. Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
-Ohh no tenkiu..

36. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next??? Choose 5 person.
-Sheera,Maz,Encik Shafiq,Lah & Cik Sal..


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kesah Cik Bawang & kami...

Afta Cik Bawang hepy2 da sbb die xyah da bace2 notes sume tu,die ajk we all kuar..Katenye maw ke OU,tp kami maw ke Queenspark wlaupun kami tgh kopak (rhyme la pulak),tp xkesahla mane2,nti discuss lam kete..

Mari2 kte menuju ke destinasi yg xdiketahui oleh kami (rhyme lagiii~~),pape la..Cik Bawang ckp maw ke OU/The Curve,pas2 pegi Queenspark..Kami da mls maw gadoh2 sbb kami tgh lapa thp maxx,boley meletop ble2 mase saje..Wahahaha..Dh hmpir2 dgn Mid Valley,Cik Bawang ckp,"jom g Mid je la,lapa kn"..Ngee,papeeeeeeeeee la Mazz.. =P Mari carik2 parking di Gardens smpai jmpe..Ok dah,Mini Cooper dh sedia di parking,turun2 sume,mari kite pegi jln2 b'same Cik Bawang,tetamu b'tuah dpt kuar ngn kteorg utk arini..Ahahaa..

Lapaaaa~~Mari2 kte g mkn..Laksa Shack??No! Shushi??No! Mcd??No! Saye maw mkn nasik..ehehe..So g food court je la kn..Jmpe menu yg dicarik,nyum2..Ohh ade org call,okeyh call blk.."Ohhh sory,i kt Mid,xde lam cmpus,sape suruh xckp awl2..lalalaaa~~" Lps da knyg cm xboley nk bgn je sume,kteorg pun mulela aktiviti kuar msk kedai tanpa beli pape..TAPIII,1st stop je da xthn godaan..Haihss,Syrr la neh penghasut antarabangsa..Maka i,ecah & maz pon t'beli la flip-flops..Tp xpela,sbb kaler purple kn,i like + murah lak tu,RM19 je..So xkesahla..Ngee,hepyyy2..Truskn misi kuar msk kedai lg..Ohh arini kuar msk kedai yg jual accessories je,xtaw nape..Pas2 kuar idea dr vader maw buat bisnes jual accessories pulak..I xkesah,boley saje..Hehehe.. =)

Cik bawang sgt hepy dpt mkn...

Hepy lg dpt flip-flops baru..Yeayy!!
Cik Bawang xtaw pesal jd cmni..
Aktiviti wajib lam toilet..Ahaha..
Gemok2!! Ngee.. =P

Agk2 da bosan tu,we all pon nk blk la kn..Jap2,nk beli eskem kt Mcd..Ehehe..Pas2 lg,jap2,nk beli karipap giant neh (sedap gilerrr kot)..Jap2 lg,ecah nk beli pancake durian..Eiiiiiii,busuk2..Mari la blk,carik kete cm xjmpe pulak..Lame2 bru jmpe..Msk kete ade org mkn pancake durian tu..OMGGG!! I da pening,giler t'seksa bau durian 1 kete..Da la mmg da sedia pening,adoii,cm nk muntah pon ade..Iyee,saye xsuke durian & yg sewaktu dgnnye..Xboley trime,bau die busuk..Sory ye kawan2..Ngeee.. =P Cadangnye maw ke Queespark pulak,tp hujan lebat & jln jam giler..Pas2 bapak Maz pulak call suruh blk sbb nk tuka kete,maka kami pon blk la..Xpela,next time boley gak pegi kan kan..I xkesah da sbb tgh m'hayati karipap giant yg sgt sedap tu kt blkg..Wahahaa..Maka smpai di sini saja kesah kami utk ari t'sebut..Jmpe lg di lain entry..Byee~~~

Cik Bawang hepy dpt bwk Mini Cooper..Hikhikhik!!
Oksigen2!! Nenonenoo..pening~~


1 day trip to Kuantan...

Pd ari Kames yg indah,kami (i,ecah,syrr & maher) pelajar2 yg xde kelas telah memulakan p'jalanan di pg ari menuju ke Kuantan...Vrommmm2,p'jalanan b'mula~~~(xbnyi cmni pon enjin kete,saje kasik sound effect lbh utk m'hangatkan cerita..lalalaa~~)

Lps tol
(sebut cara Lah,ahahaa),tol & tol lg ntah brp byk tol la (xkesah psl tol sbb maher sponsor,kami byr minyak je..hikhikhik!!),kepalaku mula b'pusing2..Ni la jdnye bile da slalu blk umah naik kpl trbang,bile jln jauh2 naik keta rase maw muntah..Uwekkk,pening2!!! Ohh sebelum merepek lg byk,nk cite 1 bnde neh..Pssttt~~Syrr cuak giler mase otw sbb takot nk gtau walid die yg die nk g Kuantan dat day..Ahahha,soryla Syrr,t'kantoikan u pulak kt cni..Tiru mcm i neh,da smpai Kuantan bru call umi i..Ngee~~~ =P Kami selaku penumpang yg comel ini tido dgn nyenyak ketika driver sdg memecut d jln raya,helloo,ini bkn Sepang Circuit,hrp maklum la ye~~~Pas2 tuka driver lak,Syrr bwk..Trus xjd tido..Ahahaha.. =D

Da nk smpai,Yeayy!!!
Mase kt highway...

Maka kami trus menuju ke destinasi 1st kami,g umah grandparents Syrr yg dh sedia maklum kami akn menyerang umah mereka utk lunch..So tlg2 baba Syrr kt dapur,pas2 apelg,serangggggg la ape yg ade ats meja tu..Asam pedas ayam,telur masin,telur goreng,ikan sepat goreng & rojak buah..Sume mkn cm da lame xjmpe nasik,hasilnye t'sandar kt krusi xboley nk bgn..Perot i hampir meletop,begitu juga ecah..Ahahha..Pas2 smyg & siap2 to our next destination..Thanx 2 Syrr pnye habib & baba 4 da lunch..Ngeee~~ =)

Jmpe gmbr neh.tgk muke Syrr lawak giler..Ahaha.. =P

Next???We all pegi Pantai Teluk Chempedak utk melepak smbil snap2 pics sbb sume bwk camera..i carik sumthing yg nmpk cm Typo..Biasela kn skrg,sume bnde nk yg cm Typo..Typo merata-rata..Ahahha..Siap2 sume da tuka seluar,i x..Hehehe,saje je..Slamber pkai jeans g pantai..Lalalaa~~B'mula lah journey kami,bkn to the center of the Earth,tp m'jelajah pantai je..Ahahaa..Tetibe ade group of monkeys lalu kt jambatan yg we all tgh jln tu..Wheuu,takot la jugak tgk monkeys tu,ade yg smpai siap tnjuk gigi lg smbil wat muke garang...Pas2 ade sekor cm dkat2 ngn i then pgg i nye seluar..Waaaaa,takotttttt..Seb baek pas2 die blah..Huuhu..Then kteorg g tepi pantai,aktiviti common,amek gmbr & dibantu oleh cik tripod milik si dino kerepot..Posing2 smpai sume org pndang je kteorg..Like we care lahh kan,nk tgk tgkla,xkesah ponnn..lalalaaa~~~Pas2 main2 air,smpai lutut haa air naik,wuhhh ganas btol..Sbb tu bahaye mandi kt pantai neh..Dah agk2 cm kol 6pm lbh,we all decide nk blk da sbb cm da lewat kn..Before dat ade org mrajuk2 pulak sorang2 tepi pntai..So t'paksela pasangan die g pujuk & pggl balik..Ahahahaa~~~ =P Before blk,isi perot dulu kt McD..Borak2..Duhh~~~ Kene bahan lg dgn mereka,topik nye adelah KATAK froggie2..Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,cm xde bnde lain je nk ckp kn,geliii siottttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!! Lps da knyang,we all pun b'tolak blk Cyber...

Lame xjmpe pantai...
Ahaha Typo di mane2 saje,ini huruf P..
Pengganas di sini,AWAS!!!
Post ala2 backpackers..Ehehe..
Kamilah backpackers utk arini atau name lain kami adalah SUPERHEROES!!!
Ini la keje part-time kami...
Kami adalah selebriti utk arini krn paparazzi sdg mengekori kami... =P
Wif Syrr...
Maw belasah ini dino kerepot..Opss cik vader,jgn pukul i lg cm td..Ahahaha.. =D
Pasangan bahagia utk arini..Sile type YES or NO utk vote mereka & send ke 33333..Haha..Tlg jgn pukul saye lps neh..Hikhikhik!!! =P
Mari melompat Yeayyy!!
Okeyh,nti nk kawen ngn sape ye??? =P Opss,t'iklan kejap..Ehehe..
Maher masih m'jd driver yg setia..Pas2 agk die cm da kronik bersin2,selsema,wuuu ade org tgh sebarkan virus lam keta laa..Ishhh2,tuka driver peliz..Maka Syrr amek alih smpai hentian Lancang..Bosannye lam kete xde hiburan utk m'hiburkan kami..PSP org tu msk air,maka hp i & ecah la yg amek alih..Uhh soryla korang,sume lagu jiwang je lam hp i neh..Ahahaha.. =P Pas2 Maher drive blk,die speed smpai 160km/jam siottttt~~~Bahaye btol laa..ishhh3!!! Stop jap kt Genting Sempah isi minyak,pas2 trus jln lg blk Cyber..Ujan lebat,so xbley laju2 la kn,jln licin,bahaye..Smpai Cyber around 11pm..Uhh sgt penatla..Tp best sgt3,we had a fun day..Thanx for being very2 awesome frens guyssss...Next time kte wat trip g 1 pantai timur okeyh,i jd tour guide korang kt Trg & Klantan nti..Marila kite mengumpul harta utk trip t'sebut di mase akn dtg..Lalalaaa~~~Sekian sahaja cerita saye utk kali ini..Tima kasih krn sudi m'bace coretan yg agk skema ini cm wat karangan cite psl ayah saye..Byeee..
