Yesterday was SUPA DUPA AWESOMEEEE for me,and i hope for you guys also (u now who u are)...I'll remember every moments that I've spent wif u guys yesterday bcoz it can't be repeat again,it happened only once..
Rite afta the Human Factors exam,me,ecah,syira & maher have decided to went out (da lame da plan nk kuar neh,tggu mase je) to ENJOYYYY bcoz we've finished our exam..YEAYYY!!! So,here we go!! Vroooommm2!!! 1st,we went 2 Sg.Wang..Curse from the name of this place mybe,I've bought 3 clothes.. "-___-" Ahahaha,ohh well,it worth it!! =P
Then moved to Sunway Pyramid bcoz we've planned to play ice-skating..ehehe..Mkn2 dulu,lapoooooo..Maher & Ecah said dat they wanted 2 eat at Carl's Jr,but Syirara wanted 2 eat at Wendy's..Finally we followed Syirara (i xkesah sbb mls nk gadoh,ikot je)..Lps mkn & solat sume,we started our journey..Ice-skating,here we come bebeh!! Ahahaha..Sgt2 besttttt,for those who haven't try,u guys should try okeyhh!!! We spent about 2 hours mybe,then we decided 2 shopping again..Ahahaa..(and mybe bcoz i've lost "the love" of my bracelet,i'm soooo sad,so i dun wanna stay at dis place anymore..sob3!!!)..(Syirara,Ecah & Maher sume saket kaki,but i'm sooo awesome la,my kaki ok je,xde melecet ke,luke ke,xdeee..and i xjatuh mase main..Lalalaaa..) Afta dat we all shopping smpai kaki rase cm nk tercabut,pinggang saket giler,mate ngntok,perot lapar,adoiiiiiii...(maher si dino neh sgt cerewet dlm bab2 m'beli-belah espclly nk beli baju..hrp maklum ye kwn2 sekalian!!!) Ahahaha..Konon2 target nk shopping lahh si dino neh,end up we all 3 org yg shopping sakan..We all sgt2 penat,but mkn2 dulu b4 blk..Nyum3 char kuey teow..Heeee.. =P Then,we started our journey back 2 Cyber xberjaya..Lalalalaaa..Maher was sleepy2 while driving,dangerous betol la..Haihhss!! Die drive smbil tido,and me,ecah & syirara camwhoring with maher's D60..ahahaha..Flashhh sane sini..Besttt2!!
Gedik giler kan pose cmni???Ehehee..
Msti ade gmbr 3 org!!
Let's try guys!!!
Vader yg saket kaki jd photographer..eheehe..
Should wear thicker clothes next time okeyh!
Kami pnye & Vader's..
Main laju2 best bile xjatuh..Ahahaa..
Mari buat gigi rabbit mcm Dino..Ehehee.. =P
Before balik posing2 dulu...
Lam lif pon smpat lg..Ohh vader tgk sape 2??hikhikhik!!! =D
Poserrr!!! =P
Siap bwk bantal neh,kang nk tido senang..Heee.. =D
Dino sdg tido,kami tgh posing2..
Dino masih tido and we all blom puas posing2..
In campus,we went 2 da badminton court 2 do some photosession ngn plastic bags b4 we ended our day..Sgt besttttt okeyh,sejukkk2 sbb hujan..Nextttt,guess wat???Ahahhaa..Someone called me & asked me whether i wanted 2 learn how 2 play guitar dat time or not,so i was like,NAKKKK2!! (wlaupon sy penat,sy nak gak rase cmne main gitar..ahahaa) Then my sifu came 2 teach me how 2 play guitar..Greeenggg!!! Grunggggg!!! Gronggggg!!! Main chord C & G,tp ni pon xingt kn..Ahaha, fingers da saket2 da,pdhal bru kjap main.. (tp ni pon xingt2 lg..ahaha,sory cekgu) Then Maher,Ecah & Syirara wanted 2 go back 1st..So i juz continued my lesson on dat time until 12.30am..For about 20 mnts,i juz listened 2 him playing guitar & singing..U wanna know why???I sgt SUKEEEEEEEEEEE tgk guys main gitar,da la live dpn mate,so i sgt excited & t'pegun..Ahahaha.. =P Guys,if u feel dat u wanna play guitar & sing 4 me,u r welcome 2 do dat..Ngeee.. =P (u r quite good in playing guitar wlaupon u ckp u drummer skrg..ehehe) Thanx a lot for teaching me how 2 play guitar.. =)
Syirara jd bntal kejap..
Vader ntah nape die hyper giler mlm neh!
Byk kn we all shopping..ehehee..
Duit2,we all da kopak..Hikhikhik..
Diorg tgh kacau2 me.Haihss.. =P
Ni 1st time main neh..wuuu~~
Cekgu gelak2 pulak,i xreti neh..huhuu..
Iklan jap sbb kaki kebas..
Cani kn???cm salah je..ahahaa..
Vader neh suke la amek gmbr..
Sape2 nk blaja gak,sile ckp kt i..Nti i gtau my sifu neh..ehehe..
Then,i went back 2 da hostel..I tot dat was da ending of my day,but Ecah said,NOOOOOO!!! (a big NO here okeyh) She said,lets camwhoring wif all the stuff dat we've bought today..JOMMMMMMM!!! So camera,let's took our pics coz u won't regret..We luv u Mr.Canon!!! =P
Sengalness b'mula..
Syirara plg gedik jd mak datin pkai .... ats kpale..ahahaahaa..
Jd alim kejap sume nk nyanyi nasyid neh..Sumpah lawak weyyy..ahaaha.. =P
Wuhh bulatnyeeee...Ehh buntal la.. =D
1,2,3,4,5 all mine..lain2 diorg pnye..Ngeee.. =D
Baju baruu yaww!!
Cm supermodel pulak pose nk baring2..Hikhikhik!!
Tgk muke Vader lawak giler kottt!!
Guysss,u were soooo awesome & i think i've really2 enjoy the day..Let's do it again laaa.. =)
I loveee u guys soo much!!! Thanx 4 everything..
HEHE yeah lets do it again oke! (bile ada duit lah hehehe....)
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