Mcm2 cite..Bnyi cm byk je..ehehee..Juz read through dis (if nk taw ape yg jd la kn,if xnak sile click kt ats skali belah kanan yg ade tanda "X"..ahahaa)
Gara2 nk submit photos kt che mat,byk duit telah dibazirkan..why???sbb printing bodo tu..we all like g print kt Cyberia on WED's nite..But den,my photos ade 3 je kot yg bley pkai,lain2 ble print xjd..Kuar line2 sebok la tu la ni la..Haaihh,WATEVA la..I'm hungry,jom g mkn kt Oldtown..I da rendu da ngn nasik lemak Oldtown..Dr i smpai hostel,duk bantai kueh raya je whole day,giler muak doww..Blk neh penuh ngn kuah raye,sape2 nk silela dtg beraya kt bilik neh..Opss sory,no duet raya..If nk kasik kt kteorg xpe..ahaha.. =D
Hepy face lps da kenyang!!! =P
Afta exam MCE on THU,we all (me,ecah,syira & maher) wanna go out lg,wat frame,printing & all da dat coz xsettle lg..1st g Cyberia lg coz nk print..I print again,but ble xjadik gak & my AI files like bongok nk mampos xboley bukak,bengang la kn..Majuk ah,jom blah!! G Master Art nk carik ivory card & envelope besar gerabak 2..Poor us,envelope da abes,so we all order la dulu 4,later g amek..Ivory card mahal,so xbeli,carik kt kdai lain..Den move to umah maher coz nk amek measurement 4 da frame..Otw tu we all sgt lapar,perut da krukk2 nyanyi lagu dangdut rancak giler..ahahaa..Smpai umah maher we all dpt mkn Lasagna..wahaha,hepy sket perut,lagu da tuka jd jazz lak,slow2 je nyanyi..Kuikuikui..Thanx maher!! Then g Bangi nk wat frame 2..
Ade apek bru kt kdai tu & die sgt merepek..Lawak la luu apek..While tggu die wat frame we all duk gelakkn die sbb die wat lwk..Da la puji diri sndri,sape2 msk kdai die,die ckp "tu haa,u pnye kwn","ni my kwn nk u pnye no fon,u kasik la,kesian die xde keje tu"..Pas2 fon kt kdai die bnyi die suruh g jwb..Jwb ckp kedai tutup bru taw!! SENGALNESSS u apek!! =D Then g kdai (if xsilap la,kdai printing)..Maher nk print pics die..Pas tgk die nye cm lawa la pulak,den i want to print mine also la..Yeayy,settle sudah print & frame!! Then???Pegi WARTA coz nk print pic size 8RW..Printing die sgt nice & murah..Now carik ivory card..Okeyh,Sunway jom!! So,vromm2,smpai kt sunway coz cni ade art shop..we all pusing2 la carik parking then g kdai Vision Art..Fulaamaakkk!! Awesome gler kdai neh ade jual ivory card,size beso & murah,RM1 je kot sekeping..Beli byk2 n potong sndri..So,we all duk kt kdai ni cm dkat ngn 2 hours coz nk potong2 krtas (diorg xsediakn khidmat potong2 kertas neh,so kene potong kertas 2 sndri) 2 ikot size che mat nak (kasik exact size kn sng..grgrrgrr!!!) Afta siap tampal2 sume,penat giler + seksa kot wat keje lam kdai tu,balik jom!! Perut sgt lapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..huuhuhu..Then g Master Art nk amek envelope,tp aunty 2 da jual kt org lain pulak..Adoii,so order lg skali..Then g mkn dulu kt Ariff..Then beli envelope & tracing paper,pas2 blahhh!! Ohh sgt penat..Duit da byk abes (naseb2),mate sgt ngntok,bdn penat..Kol 5am cm2 la bru i siap tmpal2 sume..huhu..Today ari m'buli syirara (me kene jugak sket2),ari love2 is in da air!! ahahaa.. =P
Muke kenyang!!
Bgn pg2 on FRI coz nk submit photos kt Che Mat..I was like shaking2 la jugak takot kene komen sbb my ivory card senget2,xsame beso,measurement pon da lari giler..ahahaa..Tp lantakla,mls da nk buat blk,pokai da..Kt studio,line pnjg bratur tggu nk submit..Smpai my turn,Che Mat like belek2 my photos & comment2..Die suke i nye silhouette & reflection nye pics..ehehe..Then die comment,"u ni wat keje xsenonoh la" (org2 yg kt studio time 2 je taw neh)..Ahahahaa,i was like,ohhhh malu giler kott,tutup muke ngn envelope beso tu,smbil2 snyum2 pas2 g sign..LEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYE RASEEE!!! YEAYY!! Next,Alamanda jom..Syira nk repair hp,so me & ecah teman her coz we dun hav anything 2 do..Today was a GREAT DAY for us..Rase cm hepy giler,buat mcm2 keje giler..n today also a KEREK DAY!! Ahahaa..muke kerek,xbley blahh!! Tuan2 & puan2 sekalian,we all ni ALIEN ke???we all lalu je sume pndang2,lempang kang!!
Then msk Watson,so UNsangkarable la today jd cmni..ahahaa..We all spent time like half an hour lam Watson,kt bhgn make up..Main2 eyeliner,blusher,maskara & all dat..Best giler kot..(i di ajar jd perempuan sejati today,ecah ckp..ahahaa..) Otw blk t'pelik jap sbb jmpe my skewl bus kt Alamanda..ahaha..Kt bilik lg sengal la we all neh..Sume pkai mask syirara pnye then we all pose2 dpn camera,muke sorang2 cm antu je (i noe obviously it's me la kn..ahahaa) Then mlm g umah Maher coz die wat open house..Thanx 2 encek abul coz tumpangkn kteorg..ahahaa..(poor u la xknal jln,seb baek we all ade) =P Ohh mkn2,sedapppp2..Rendang kerang,sedap dowww!!! Lps we all sume da t'sandar kenyang dpn TV,da puas snap2 pics sume,lyn lak cite Ayat2 Cinta kt TV3..amazing giler sume lyn..Then sum da blk,we all (me,ecah,syira,maher & abul) posing2 time lak smpai penat..Sgt sengal we all neh,mcm2 gaye..Da penat we all move to McD Kajang,mkn eskem..Yeayy!!! Then blk..bru je jln sket,then polis tahan..Mntk driver nye lesen,pas2 blah g kete die..Bkn nk ckp slh ape..U ALL NGOKNGEK GILER NK MAMPOSSS LA polis2 kt Kajang neh!!! (syirara,not ur dad..ehehe) Then g kt diorg tnye ape slh,we all slh msk jln..Like Hellooo,xbley ke ckp baik2 slh jln,main blah jee..SO Shittoo laa u si guard gendut!! Ohh sory 2 Abul..ehehe..Ni lg 1 guard kt MMU neh..kete xde sticker,but nk hntar we all smpai hostel..Helooooooo,xkn nk biar we all jln msk dlm tgh2 mlm neh..Pikir la sket,pmpuan kott,ni wat muke KEREK giler..Ingt aku kesah ke???Guard je kot!! Seb baek kau kasik msk,klu x,huermmm2.. *thinking*
T'gode x???ahahahaaa.. =D
Today is SAT..I wanna go 2 KLIA coz nk anta my fren nk fly g India..Sob3!! Sorang lg fly..Thanx 2 sape2 yg tlah m'offerkan diri maw teman i 2 klia..ehehe..I think it's ok,sorang pon xpe.. =P
At KLIA,jmpe Bet then g mkn wif her fmly & akiey also..I gelak ble part papa Bet tnye wat should u do when u've landed at the airport there??bet ckp xtaw..Then papa die ckp,mntk poskad ngn stewardess..ahahaa..Then her mummy said,if mummy la,mummy g beli topup dulu kt India 2,then call fmly..Amek ngn muke blurr2,juz smile..Lawak btol..Then ned dtg..Gud 2 see u here..ehehe..Lam kol 9pm lbh cm2,it's time 4 her to go..Okeyhh,cool2..Ohhh cannot2,tetibe ujan pulak + sob3..Ohh air mate neh,u saje je kan kuar time2 neh,da la i kenot thn u,u kuar cm hujan je..I neh xbley la tgk sedey2 neh,msti nk nanges la..Sedey kott..huhuhu..Hug2 n Kiss2 her..Take care,all da best okeyh..Me,ned & aunty amun follow her (nmpk kot cermin je la),smpai die hilang dr pndangn..Huermm,gonna miss her jokes,her laugh & everything about her..I'll pray 4 u,Gudluck okeyh!! =)
With her family...
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