Flash file yg dah 60% siap corrupted,xde backup..Bila try bukak,items dlm library semua ada,bila klik terus hang,Flash not responding and tertutup sendiri..Dah xsemangat nk buat kerja,sedih gila..Elok2 sakit kepala dah hilang sampai cuti sehari,saket kepala dah dtg balik n rasa nk cuti seminggu..Dugaan di bulan puasa..Sabarrrr..Haihh la Flash ohh Flash.. ='(
p/s: terima kasih semua yg membantu..jasa baik anda amatlah dihargai..pengajaran untuk hari ini,simpan lah sebanyak mungkin file anda yg ada sebagai backup file..sekian.Alia tengah sedih menaip di sini..
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Hari sedih sedunia..
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 11:22 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 2, 2010
I love to see random vector illustrations done by great illustrators..They are just awesome! Now i rarely use Adobe Illustrator bcoz i only use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Flash to do my works,during the internship period of time..I miss doing vector illustrations.. =(
Today i've decided to take a rest,just forget about my works for a while,and i wanna do some random vector illustrations..I've browsing through some websites showing great vector illustrations.Superb!
*congratz to my seniors who've just graduated..wish u guys the best of luck in your life*
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Feeling down a lil bit..Headache since last night..Stress??Maybe..Very sleepy,stay up this morning doing the same thing over and over again,boring! High expectations..Like seriously,i need to sleep..I need to be confident,again..Thinking out of the box..I'm tired..Serabut!
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 4:28 PM