will be back on Monday morning,
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Last Sunday pegi Cineleisure (btol ka eja???) tgk wayang cite GENG..Pegi pon mesti la ngn geng gak kan..Me,Ecah,Maz & Pak Seman..Sape??Name die Sapitotttttt..Org yg taw jln g Alamanda je..Kuikuikuii..
Smpai sane trus beli tiket then smpat rembat popcorn sbb tgh lapa giler then tros msk wayang..Eeiiii,comey giler kot bdk kecik 2 org tu..Rase mcm nk penyek2 diorg bile diorg ckp,"eeiii comelnyeeee",korang lg comel weyy..Gerammmmm,rase nk cubet2..Da la suara kecikkkk je,ishh geram laaa..Cite best,gelak spanjang mase,penat rahang,seb baek xkrem rahang time tu..Klu x,abeslaaa..Lps abes cite abah call..Haa kantoi kuar g tgk wayang,tp wa rilek je sbb wa taw abah wa ok je beb!! Hihiiii.. =)
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 12:37 AM 2 comments
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 7:27 PM 4 comments
There's nothing much 2 updates,quite busy wif lotx of things lately..Maybe i'll get a proper rest next week,can't wait 4 dat..Ngeee.. =)
Assignment 1 utk design process dh submit last Tuesday..Org suruh buat size A2,i pnye size A1..3-4 ari buat keje boley xprasan mounting board tu size A1..Ari submission bru prasan..Apelaaa..Hihihiii..Da la i pnye mcm buat DF..Ehehe..Knowledge sharing session terabur giler ckp ntah pape,shaking2 lg tgn..Ahahhaa..Tp xpe,i blaja byk dat day..How 2 find a life partner from Guna,How 2 date a girl??Maybe it's not for me..Ahahaa..Dy,i want some tips on how to dat a guy boley x???Ahahaha..Ade org ajar buat poster,psl global warming,music,psl air oren pun ade,and so on..Penat2 buat size beso2 ingtkn kene submit,pdhal nk gmbr je..Hampehh!! "-_________________-"
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 1:25 AM 2 comments
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 3:15 AM 0 comments
Jom2 pegi..Nk g Jason Mraz nye concert mcm da kopak je skrg..Muahahaa.. *tutup muke ngn bantal busuk*..So jom la g yg neh,murah giler..Hihihi..
MOCCA..Lagu2 diorg sgt best,i suke dgr..Mcm comel je..Diorg mmg comel jom..CLICK HERE for more info about their concert.. =)
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 7:07 PM 2 comments
Idea hilang,xmo dtg blk lak tu..Gedik betol!! Haihh..Pening betol assignment DP neh..Buat sketch bru sikit,belom abeskan sume steps lg..Huhu..Ari Selasa neh nk kene submit..Whohh..Creative studies lg,Internet application,research 4 MPM.. *hantuk kpale ats keyboard* Ape lg???Bak cni la kalau brani..
*evil laugh*
Ubat xabes mkn lg,saket da ilang sket..Good2..Ubat batuk mmg sgt power,tp masin wohh..Lps 15 menet sure boley tido mati..Kalau rase xboley tido,sile la try ubat batuk neh.. *jgn2,nti addicted* Suda saket pinggang neh t'bongkok ats lantai td..So merepek cni jap..Kjap je,da la tu..Byee2..
*nk g cuci baju..lalalalaaaa..*
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 3:17 AM 0 comments
I juz got the good news a few days before from my sis,Kak Wani..She sms me after class,told me about that..I felt like jumping high up to the sky bcoz I'm so happy..Ahahaa,t'over sikit..These were the conversation between my sis & my sis-in-law..I'll get a new "anak sedara" by this year..Yeayyyy!!! Hope I'll get a nephew coz already have a niece..Nti boley bwk pegi tgk bola,he's watching football and I'm watching the players..Muahahaa...But i dun mind if i get another niece..As long as my sis-in-law and the baby are fine..InsyaAllah..
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 4:29 PM 1 comments
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 11:11 PM 5 comments
Ecah: Lapa giler.. *smbil mkn pringles*
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 10:21 PM 4 comments
Character 1 - Bugsy
Gender : Female at da 1st place,turn to male at last
Age : Unknown
P.O.B : Earth
Status : Single..Available *thinking*
Character 2 - Pussy
Real Name : Puss in Boots
Age : Unknown
Hometown : Far far away kingdom
Gender : Male and turn to female after a few incidents
Status : Single..Available *thinking*
Bugsy is a female hamster actually, and Puss in Boots is her fren, which is a male cat..They have been frens for a long time, since they were kids..
But, one day, before Puss in Boots got his new name, which is Pussy, he asked Bugsy to find a suitable name for him..Suddenly Bugsy was thinking about Shrek, and remembered the cute cat in Shrek, Puss in Boots. One night, Puss in Boots ask again to Bugsy, the same question...Then Bugsy said,she have find a few names for Puss in Boots..Just choose...Bolt, Mittens, Pussy, Shrek also can laa...Ahaha..Then Puss in Boots chooses Bolt at da 1st place...Bugsy quickly said,
Bolt + Bugsy, totally not rhyme...Then changed to Pussy...Bugsy + Pussy,ohh so cute!! Hihihiii...
Before saying bye2 and goodnight 2 each other, Pussy said that his name was not suited with him bcoz Pussy sound like a female name...Bugsy was laughing bcoz she was totally agree wif dat..Then they have decided 2 change their name, Bugsy became Pussy and Pussy became Bugsy...Now they were happy with their new name... =)
*When i looked at those pics, i must say dat Pussy was cuter than Bugsy...Ahahaa...Soryyy...*
*jgn m'jerit okeyh afta u read this..sile terima kenyataan ye Bugsy.. =D *
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 10:51 PM 2 comments
Posted by Alia Ibrahim at 12:22 AM 2 comments